A chain is only as strong as its weakest link,
Therefore a truly effective team would be one whereby the members are able to bring out each individual's potential to the highest, and at the same time make up for each individual's weaknesses. It is difficult for a person to realize his or her own weaknesses. Hence, it is important for team members to get to know each other better, so as to be able to work in a team more effectively.
Why is all these important for me on a personal level?
Besides the obvious reasons such as;
-Better career prospects,
-Effective learning as a student,
I have various other reasons such as making more friends (and fewer enemies), expressing myself more effectively, being able to understand other people better and so on.
In fact, the very moment we were born, we were trying desperately to communicate effectively, by which we failed miserably due to language barriers and various other obstacles. (Remember wailing out loud at the top of your lungs for some milk, but all your parents ever did was to change your diapers?)

Therefore I feel that seeking effective communication and teamwork is not just for professional reasons, it is also an important fundamental skill as a human being.
*Off topic
I hereby conclude the end of the first post of my blog, thank you for reading through this huge mess of words, and feel free to criticize/comment any parts of this post. I will truly appreciate any feedback, and seriously consider them, improving my subsequent posts...
Once again, thank you.
Hi Zhen,
ReplyDeleteAfter reading the “About me” section of the blog, I was looking forward to have some humor in your blog post and I wasn’t disappointed. Mentioning “fewer enemies” and “……… ever did was to change your diapers?” did show your sense of humor. :)
Coming back to the topic, I feel that in effective communication it is not only important for the recipient to comprehend the words of the sender but it is also the duty of the sender or the transmitter to make sure that he passes on all the proper facts and transmits his knowledge in a manner that it can be easily understood without any modifications.
Regarding teamwork, I feel that it is really important for a team to have a proper leader. One who has the ability to take the matters into his hand and solve all the conflicts and the misunderstandings that exist in the team. Something which we all lacked when we were thrown into groups of 4 or 5.
Overall it was a pleasant experience reading you blog in which you have highly incorporated your personal views about teamwork and communication.
Saurabh Arora
Hello Zhen Yong,
ReplyDeleteThe points brought up were very valid and useful. In order to work as a team, we have to bring out the best out of every member by effective communication. Thus, the whole group can then benefit and work well together.
Other than the cookie-cutter points in your reflections such as career prospects and effective learning, I especially like the part where you brought in examples. I can relate to the kindergaten story and it brought back certain memories. It made me smile a little. Come to think of it, if we had creative writing and thinking courses when we were at that age, we will probably have a leader to guide us through the task successfully.
All in all, your blog post was a good read. I can't wait to see some humour in your posts from time to time!
Hi Zhen,
ReplyDeleteThe way you have explained effective communication and teamwork is nice. As rightly pointed out, most of the communication models is a two-way process and the sender must make sure that the message is clearly passed to the receiver and there is a need for the receiver to send a feedback related to idea. This will enhance the communication between the sender and receiver.
Rightly said, apart from career prospects, etc effective communication also helps in making a lot of friends and help in bonding with them. I feel that effective communication plays a vital role for a team to achieve its goal.Teamwork is essential for competing in today’s global arena and for the teamwork to be effective, members in team must effectively communicate so as to express their plans, share their ideas and understand each other viewpoints clearly. Apart from effective communication, for the teamwork to be effective the members of team should be well committed and the team leader should be a role model to the members. I especially like the part where brought in examples from your real life such as the kindergarten story, etc.
Overall, it is a pleasure to read your post and you have very well used the 7c’s in your post.
Hi Zhen Yong,
ReplyDeleteI totally agree that effective communication and teamwork are not just meant for professional reasons.
We use communication to develop our relationships with one another. We use it to socialize with our peers. We use it to express our ideas, emotions, and opinions.
A family is a team. Thus, teamwork within a familial setting is also important. I can recall those days during the Asian Financial Crisis. Our family worked together to save money. It was not only our father or mother who tried to save money. Everyone within the team - my parents, brothers and I - sacrificed to minimize spending so that the team‘s economic goal of being able to cut down costs can be achieved.
Thanks for all the stories and side comments you have on your post. Indeed, they are entertaining! Although I don’t exactly remember the time when I wailed out for milk but was changed with diaper instead; somehow, it must have been one distressing moment of time when I was not clearly understood. Truly, ineffective communication can lead to undesirable outcomes. Hahas.